Our Story

Who we are

Wild Hinds is a small family owned business with a passion for the outdoors and producing high quality hand made small goods.

We have a goal to get high quality food from the back country of New Zealand to every day Kiwis – in a way that is helping conservation, the game animal herd, the hunters and the end consumer.

How we will do this?

Most hunters will access the back country to secure a “trophy” stag (male deer) and will often leave the hinds. Because of this the number of hinds can be higher than what a balanced herd would look like resulting in stags not roaring during the rut. And in some places the numbers being too high for the country they live in resulting in poor animal health and poor outcomes for our native flora and fauna. 

So, what we are doing is asking our operators to harvest the hinds for us – and in turn with less hinds the stags will have to compete for them during the rut making it more exciting for the hunters. It will help provide better condition animals so the stags are able to grow better quality antlers and able to be left to grow for hunters rather than being harvested because of there weight and the remaining hinds to hold better condition to rase there young. This is all helping DOC control the game animals in the back country and utilising the animals with respect.

This also benefits the end consumer as the best eating animals are hinds not the stags so you will be getting the best of the meat and helping to build a more sustainable game animal herd for the future.